Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunshine, not so bad for you after all.

Today is absolutely gorgeous! And after doing quite a bit of research I have decided to forgo sunscreen for the rest of the summer. Primal, yes? Think I have gone off my rocker everyone? I haven't I promise!

I expiremented with this whole no sunscreen idea yesterday. I spent approximatley 30 minutes outside around 1 o'clock, when I started to feel I had gotten enough sun I went inside and cooled down, then around 4 I went back out, still no sunblock and comfortably spent the rest of the day basking in the glorious vitamin D giving sunshine. Today, I am sunburn free, and pretty happy with my first sunshine filled, sunscreen free day.

Now, getting burned is definitely not good for you, but managing and accepting Vitamin D is something I feel most people neglect to do. We are bombarded by the media basically since birth to apply as much sunscreen as possible for our entire lives. Sunscreen though blocks Vitamin D and  Vitamin D is extremly important for our skin, and our general well being. Have to be out side for a long time? Bring light long sleeved clothing and a hat to cover up with. (Also, who knows what scary chemicals we subject ourselves to everytime we apply sunscreen.)

Here are a couple links about this whole sunscreen debate....

Out enjoying some vitamin D!

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